So what is it?
I’ve never seen one before, no one has, but I’m guessing it’s the Polyhedron Collider Cast Episode 14. Every action has an equal and opposite reaction. A black hole sucks time and matter out of the universe, the Polyhedron Collider Cast ejects tabletop gaming chat back into the universe.
So that thing is spuing board game banter back into the universe?
Precisely, the Polyedron Collider crew have played Battlestar Galactica, digressed about Red Dwarf and had a lot of fun with Captain Sonar. They’ve also answered questions from the mailbag about which designers they would like to play with, talk about their D&D characters’ voices and break down their Christmas wish lists.
So what is it?
00.00.00 Intro
00.01.00 Battlestar Galactica
00.08.45 Talkie Toaster and Red Dwarf
00.14.50 Captain Sonar
Questions from the mail bag
00.23.34 Is there someone from the industry you’d like to play against at their own game?
00.25.39 Is Scythe not as good as everyone says it is?
00.26.53 Have you ever been offered to cover a game that is quite literally, complete and utter gash?
00.32.34 We know you like games, but do any of the Polyhedron Collider crew’s other halves get involved in the cardboard arena?
00.38.26 An off topic chat about Dungeons and Dragons
00.40.16 If you were playing roleplaying D&D, do you give your character a voice? And would you do the voice right now on air?
00.43.28 What has made our Christmas Lists?
The podcast is available on iTunes or your favourite podcast player via our feed
Intro and Outro Music: "Ouroboros" Kevin MacLeod (
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0
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Board games, Tabletop games, Battlestar Galactica, Captain Sonar, Red Dwarf, White Hole, Talkie Toaster, Jamie Stegmeier, Scythe, Stonemeier Games, Dungeons and Dragons, D&D, Roleplaying games, RPG, Christmas, Gift guide,